QuickTime Movie Extras from the resource fork

JFIF Still & Cake Walk Slide Shows

These were stored in the resource fork (type = 'inst'; id = -19134) and could be invoked during the QT INIT load sequence by holding down [command/apple]-[option]-[q]-[t]. They stopped being produced with the introduction of the Internet HTTP-based VISE installer.

NOTE: If you have an Apple provided QT browser plugin installed just click a poster image to access the movie.

QT1.5 Team
QuickTime 1.5 JFIF Still (15,238 bytes)

QuickTime 2.1 non-FastStart JFIF/MIDI/Text Slideshow (20,425 bytes)

QuickTime 2.5 FastStart JFIF/MIDI/Text Slideshow (23,200 bytes)

QuickTime 3 FastStart Sorenson/MIDI/Text Slideshow (50,360 bytes)

QuickTime Shareware Popups

These were stored in the resource fork (type = 'moov') and will be invoked on a regular basis by the QT player/viewer until a serial number is entered.

NOTE: If you have an Apple provided QT browser plugin installed just click a poster image to access the movie.

QuickTime 3 FastStart JFIF/Graphics Slideshow (41,446 bytes)

QuickTime 4 FastStart GIF Slideshow (23,702 bytes)

QuickTime Plugin Graphics

QuickTime 3 Plugin Loading/ Plugin Error/ Plugin Logo

load error load error logo
QuickTime 4 Plugin Loading/Plugin Error/Plugin Logo